Luitor Pora Mississippi

The Luitor Pora Mississippi (LPM) is a magazine that is published annually by our literary wing, Asam Sahitya Sabha of North America (ASSNA). Typically, its publication coincides with our annual Assam Convention that is held over the July 4th weekend. It has been published since 1983. Almost all the publications are available at the Library of Congress in Washington DC. If you visit the area, please stop by, and see them.

The articles are written in Assamese or English. The contributors include adults and children. The magazine also includes artwork by children.

Article Submission guidelines:

  • Contributions must be in Assamese or English.
  • Contributions are in the form of articles, short stories, humorous story, true story, science story, fiction story, poems, travelogues, recipes, art, sketches, or any other interesting write-ups.
  • We would like to limit the lengths of all the contributions to a maximum of 4 printed pages.
  • Multiple contributions from the same author are acceptable.
  • A short biographical sketch (3-5 sentences) of all the authors must accompany the contributions.
  • Email contributions to:
  • Please write the SUBJECT: For LPM and Type of Content (Example: Article, Story, Poem, etc.)
  • We strongly urge everyone to submit contributions electronically
  • Assamese contributions: Hand-written texts must be clear and legible. We prefer articles typed on a computer using any available Assamese font.
  • English contributions must be in Word files in Times New Roman, Size 12, Line Spacing multiple at 1.15, and Page layout size: Letter, 8.5 by 11