By Dr. Monoranjan Bezboruah, Past AANA President
Briefly, (caveat: as I remember it) here is our story:
Affected by the developments back home, in Assam, the Assamese community living in Houston, Texas under the initiative and leadership of Dr. Lohit Datta-Barua had formed a national organization on January 18, 1980, as there was no national organization in North America at the time. So, Assam Association of North America (AANA) was born with Dr. Parul Hazarika as the first president of the organization.
The support to the appeal made to the at-large Assamese community of North America was overwhelming. As suggested by many across this vast continent, a national conference was planned in August of 1980. Many individuals residing in various parts of this country came to Houston for this meeting to discuss as to what we can do. Dr. Lohit Datta-Barua once again took the lead in organizing the meeting. This was the humble beginning of the Annual Assam Convention for the Assamese Diaspora of North America. Dr. Lohit Datta-Barua has been a paid Life Member of AANA for many years. However, recognizing his contributions, the General Body Meeting recently, by acclamation, conferred upon him the Life Membership of AANA. For that 1st convention, many people came from various parts of the country to Houston. Dr. Amiya Das came from Florida, Dr. Atul Sarma from Louisville, Mr. Himen Barthakur from Massachusetts, Mr. Mahendra Baruah from Oregon, Dr. Hirak Patangia from Arkansas, Dr. Monoranjan Bezboruah from Washington, DC, and Mr. Barada and Nandita Sarma from Austin, Texas.
The Houston community had about a dozen families – Drs. Deben and Parul Hazarika, Mr. & Mrs. Kalyan and Rani Dutta Choudhury, Dr. Bijon and Roopa Sharma, Mr. Rabin and Anuradha (Jeena) Mahanta, Mr. Rajen and Ajanta Barua, Mr. Manomohan and Bina Hazarika, and a few other families. This first convention was held in a community hall in Mr. and Mrs. Dutta Choudhury’s sub-division. .
As a result of the meeting, we assembled, and decided to keep Assam Association of North America (AANA) to do our social, and if needed, political work. The guiding principles for AANA were (1) to help support the cause of Assam (2) to serve the Assamese community in North America (3) cultural exchange with our adopted homeland and (4) to foster a sense of cultural identity among the younger generation. At the convincing and persuasive deliberation by Dr. Atul Sarma to raise funds and help the Science College in Guwahati, the attendees also decided to form a tax-exempt non-profit organization as the financial wing of AANA, and named it the Assam Foundation of North America (AFNA). As I recall, the model that we talked about was like the B’nai Birth in Washington, DC. We formulated the necessary policies. The initial by Laws of AANA were adopted in 1980 which have gone through some revisions and amendments over the years..
Our By Laws clearly state that henceforth we will have an annual Convention during the July 4th weekend called the Assam Convention, we will have our general body meeting (GBM) during the Convention, a two year termed rotating Executive, regional Chapters, and duly run election every two years. AANA appointed an Ad-hoc Committee consisting of Dr. Atul Sarma (AANA Regional Executive), Dr. Lohit Datta-Barua (AANA General Secretary), and Dr. Monoranjan Bezboruah (an AANA Regional Director) and we submitted a report, which was subsequently approved by AANA Executive Committee, and we were given a go ahead for the AFNA formation. We incorporated AFNA in Kentucky in 1982 – Dr. Atul Sarma, Dr. Hirak Patangia, and Dr. Monoranjan Bezboruah as the three incorporators. Later, we expanded the Board of Directors to five – Dr. Patangia left, Dr. Atul Sarma and I remained, and added Dr. Debojit Barua, Dr. Lohit Datta-Barua and Dr. Bijon Sarma, and applied for and secured the necessary IRS 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) status and the recognition for exemption from income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
During our Convention, we started publishing the magazine Luitor Pora Mississippi (“LPM”– I believe Dr. Sanjib Barua of Bard College suggested the name), although initially it was published as “Pravasi”, and also a little collection of writings of our community members titled Enajori, initiated by Dr. Brojen Bordoloi. The host committee used to publish the LPM, but it is believed that 1994 onwards, the Asom Sahitya Sabha, North America (ASSNA), a unit earlier formally established in 1982 as the literary wing of AANA (with its autonomy under the umbrella of the parent organization in Assam) under the leaderships of Dr. Kripanath Borah, Dr. Dilip Dutta, Dr. Brojen Bordoloi, and others to be part of our Convention (where each AANA member is also a member of the ASSNA), was entrusted with the responsibilities of the publication, although AANA pays the cost. (Enajori was discontinued!). And all three organizations are sponsors of the Convention, AANA our parent organization, AFNA our non-profit wing, and ASSNA, the literary wing. A few of our Conventions have had surpluses and all the Convention surpluses go to AANA or towards future expenses of Assam Convention. Starting our Conventions in rented Church Halls, School Auditoriums, and Community Centers, we have traveled a long way to the present-day Conventions at reputable hotels starting with a low-budget convention held in a hotel in 1987 for the first time.
Our Association has now gathered traction! We have not lost faith in the aspirations that motivated us to form this Association and the Foundation. We remain anchored in the belief that we can do good, albeit in small, measured ways in keeping with our capabilities and resources. We are proud to recognize our own strengths, achievements, and of course our purposes — our successful Conventions speak for themselves. Onward we march on!
Few Significant Dates – AANA
Founded: January 18, 1980 in Houston, TX.
1st Assam Convention: 1980, Houston, TX.
Initially convention was held in community halls and so on for many years (may be till 1988) at no charge to the attendees.
Discussion in 1st Convention:
- Assam Movement.
- Idea (initiated by Jiten Borpujari, presented by Mono Bezbaruah and Atul Sarma) of creating tax-exempt non-profit organization as the financial wing of AANA to keep AANA independent to voice its opinion on Assam Movement/illegal alien issue.
- Idea of a branch of Assam Sahitya Sabha in the USA as the literary wing of AANA.
Logo: Created in 1980 in Houston, TX in line with AASU Logo. Logo was revised in the year 2020.

By-laws: First adopted in 1982 (drafted by Ajit Khaund and Lohit Datta-Barua).
Number of amendments as of 2023: ??
- Address directory since year ??,
- Quarterly newsletter (initially hard copy, changed to electronic in year ??)
Few Significant Dates – AFNA
Founded: Assam Foundation of North America (AFNA) was officially created/incorporated in 1982 by Atul Sarma as a US tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID Number: 61-0994468).
By-laws: First adopted in 1982.
Number of amendments as of 2023: ??
Logo: Created and adopted in 1982. Logo was revised in the year 2015.

Few Significant Dates – ASSNA
Founded: Asom Sahitya Sabha North America (ASSNA) was founded in1982 after approval from the main Assam Sahitya Sabha with effort by Kripanath Borah.
Responsibilities: Publication of AANA annual souvenir responsibility assigned to ASSNA.
Membership: All AANA members are deemed ASSNA members for an annual lump-sum payment to main Assam Sahitya Sabha of a nominal fee.
Logo: Adopted in 1982 in line with the Logo of main Assam Sahitya Sabha in Assam.

Luitor Pora Mississipi:
The first edition was published in 1982 from Detroit as Pravasi at 3rd Assam Convention.
The name was changed to Luitor Pora Mississippi in 1984 in the 3rd publication in the 5th Assam Convention.