
Program Participation Form

CLICK HERE to submit your request for an individual or group program.
Note that all participants must register for AC2025 and pay the registration fee the request to be considered eligible.

Important Dates:

  • Deadline For Participants To Submit Program Participation Form : March 31, 2025
  • Decision Communication By AC2025 Cultural Team To Participants : April 20, 2025 (or earlier).

Please submit your requests as soon as possible to help the Cultural Team with the planning process.

Important Information & Guidelines

Important Information & Guidelines
Program Participation Form: To register for a solo or a group performance, please click HERE.

Payment Of Registration Fee: All participants on the Program Participation From must pay the registration fee
for the request to be considered eligible. That means, if you submit the Program Participation Form but don’t pay
the registration fee, the request will not be considered as valid. To register and pay, please click HERE.

Timing of Registration: While evaluating the Program Participation Forms, the timing of registration will also be
considered. Hence, earlier registration is better!

Duration of Performance: Duration of each type of program (including start-up and wrap-up time) must be
within the following guidelines:

  • Solo – Song/Dance: 3 to 6 minutes
  • Small Group up to 3 participants only – Song/Dance: 3 to 6 minutes
  • Large Group with more than 3 participants – Song/Dance: 4 to 8 minutes
  • Drama /Skit: 10 to 15 minutes
  • Bhaona: 25 minutes
  • Instrumental: 3 to 6 minutes

Preference to Group Performances: Preference will be given to group performances to maximize participation
from the attendees.

Type and Uniqueness of Performances: The type and uniqueness of the performance will play a role in the
evaluation of a request e.g. how closely it is related to Assamese/Indian culture; how it distinguishes itself from
other requests etc.

Number of Items: A participant selected by the Cultural Team can be considered be perform a maximum of 2
items (excluding all Competitions, Group performance, Fashion Show etc).

Geographical Consideration: Program Performance Forms will be evaluated to accommodate representations
from various cities, states or regions as much as possible.

Past Achievements &Performances: Share information about your past performances and achievements e.g.
YouTube or other online links of your performances, copies of award certificates, news publications etc.

Information for Emcees: Participants will need to submit introduction/description of each performance (limit 200
words) to be used as emcee speeches.

Due Diligence & Final Decisions: The AC2025 Cultural Team expects to receive a significant number of requests
from attendees of Assam Convention 2025. We are expecting to have more requests than what can be
accommodated in the limited program duration. Hence, the AC2025 Cultural Team will perform due diligence,
select the program requests based on the guidelines and assign performance time slots for the selected items.
The goal will be to include as many programs as possible. The AC2025 Cultural Team will truly appreciate your
understanding and co-operation on this matter.

Rules For Chorus Competition

General Rules

  1. Song Choice and Content:
  • The performance must feature traditional Assamese songs arranged creatively for a chorus.
  • National or regional anthems are not allowed. Lyrics must be appropriate for a family-friendly audience.
  1. Time Allotment:
  • Each group will have a maximum performance time of 5 minutes (adults) and 4 minutes (children).
  • An additional 90 seconds is allowed for setup and 90 seconds for dismissal.
  1. Participants:
  • Children Chorus Group: Ages 6 to 14 years with a minimum of 4 participants and a maximum of 18 participants.
  • Adult Chorus Group: Ages 15 and above with a minimum of 6 participants and a maximum of 18 participants.
  • Contestants must supply their own background tracks on a pen drive and email them to culture committee( ahead of time, or live musical instrument (no additional points for live music, judges should be informed accordingly).
  • Contestants and their families are not allowed to have contacts with contest judges before or after the competition.
  1. Dress Code:
  • Participants must wear attire that reflects Assamese culture, suitable for a traditional chorus performance.
  1. Compliance:
  • By submitting an application, each group agrees to comply with these rules. Non-compliance will result in disqualification.


Judging Criteria:

 Performances will be judged on a 60-point system:

  • Tune: 10 points
  • Rhythm: 10 points
  • Diction: 10 points
  • Teamwork: 10 points
  • Overall Performance: 10 points
  • Dress/Costume: 10 points


Participation Guidelines

  1. Eligibility:
  • All participants must register using the designated Program Participation Form and pay the required registration fee by the specified deadline.
  1. Submission of Application:
  • By submitting an application, each group agrees to comply with the guidelines.


Additional Considerations

  1. Disqualification:

 Failure to adhere to the rules and regulations may result in disqualification.

  1. Miscellaneous:
  • The Cultural Team will make final decisions regarding time slots and program inclusion.
  • Efforts will be made to include as many groups as possible within the program’s time constraints.
Rules For Husori Competition

General Rules

  1. Performance Theme and Song Choice:
  • Performances must be traditional Husori, embodying the cultural essence of Bihu.
  • Lyrics and choreography must be appropriate for a family-friendly audience.
  1.  Group Composition:
  • Minimum number of participants: 6.
  • Maximum number of participants: 20.
  1. Performance Duration:
  • Time allotted to each group will be 8 minutes, excluding setup and dismissal times.
  • Setup and dismissal should not exceed 90 seconds each.
  1. Attire:
  • Participants must wear traditional Assamese Husori outfits, reflecting cultural authenticity.
  1. Accompaniment:
  • Performances may include live music or pre-recorded tracks.
  • No additional points will be awarded for live accompaniment.
  • Groups must provide their own background tracks in mp3/mp4 format in a pen drive and email them to culture committee( ahead of time. They must also arrange for their own musical instruments.


Judging Criteria

  • Performances will be evaluated on a 100-point system based on the following:
  • Rhythm and Synchronization: 20 points
  • Jujona and Cultural Authenticity: 20 points
  • Energy and Engagement: 15 points
  • Creativity and Choreography: 15 points
  • Presentation and Coordination: 20 points
  • Traditional Attire: 10 points


Participation Guidelines

  1. Eligibility:
  • All participants must register using the designated Program Participation Form and pay the required registration fee by the specified deadline.
  1. Submission of Application:
  • By submitting an application, each group agrees to comply with the guidelines.


Additional Considerations

  1. Disqualification:
  • Failure to adhere to the rules and regulations may result in disqualification.
  1. Miscellaneous:
  • The Cultural Team will make final decisions regarding time slots and program inclusion.
  • Efforts will be made to include as many groups as possible within the program’s time constraints.
High Level Program Agenda


Registration Desk Open
Informal Meet

DAY 1 | JUL-03-2025 | THURSDAY


MorningBreakfast On Your Own
Registration Continues
NAAM Meeting
Official Inauguration
AfternoonMeet & Greet
Workshops / Conferences
Short Break
Children's Cultural Program
Chorus Competition
Fashion Show
EveningCultural Program Day 1
Guest Artist
DAY 2 | JUL-04-2025 | FRIDAY


MorningBreakfast On Your Own
Registration Continues
Workshops / Conferences
AfternoonChildren's Cultural Program
Youth Forum
Husori Competition
Alumni Meets/Discussion Forums
EveningCultural Program Day 2
Guest Artist
Convention Ending
DAY 3 | JUL-05-2025 | SATURDAY

Question or comments? Please send an email to